How to say Terrible in German?

What does Schrecklich mean in English? German translations and examples in context.

How to Say “Terrible” in German? What is the meaning of “Schrecklich”?

Terrible is translated in German by...


Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

Ich finde, dass der Film schrecklich war.
I think that the movie was terrible.

More Example Sentences.

Er ist ein schrecklicher Schläfer.
He is a terrible sleeper.
Ich kann es tun, aber ich habe schreckliche Schmerzen.
I can do it, but I'm in terrible pain.
Es war fast Nachteinbruch und jeder hatte Angst vor den in der schrecklichen Wüste verborgenen Gefahren.
It was almost nightfall and everyone was afraid of the dangers hidden in that terrible desert.


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