How to say Street in Spanish?

What does Calle mean in English? Spanish translations and examples in context.

How to Say “Street” in Spanish? What is the meaning of “Calle”?

Street is translated in Spanish by...

La calle (f)

Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

Sí. Es el número 125 de la calle Principal.
Yes. It's 125, Main Street.
De acuerdo. Tome la primera calle a la derecha.
Okay. Take the first street on the right.
Los de la calle principal son todos muy buenos.
The ones on the main street are all excellent.
Tú agarrabas su mano para cruzar la calle.
You used to hold his hand to cross the street.
Los autos pararán para que los niños atraviesen la calle.
The cars will stop to let the children cross the street.

More Example Sentences.

¿Qué pasa si sale de la casa y camina por las calles?
What if he left the house and walked in the streets?
Está feliz de que nadie lo reconozca en las calles.
He is happy that no one recognizes him in the streets.
Los niños solían andar en todo tipo de cosas por mi calle.
Kids used to ride all sorts of things in my street.
Créanlo o no, la gente solía tirar todo en la calle.
Believe it or not, people used to throw everything on the street.
Río lo agarró entre sus dientes y salió corriendo por las calles de la ciudad.
Rio grabbed it between his teeth and ran away through the streets of the city.


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Street Vocabulary in Spanish.