How to say Juice in Spanish?

What does Jugo mean in English? Spanish translations and examples in context.

How to Say “Juice” in Spanish? What is the meaning of “Jugo”?

Juice is translated in Spanish by...

El jugo (m)

Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

¿Quieres más jugo?
Do you want more juice?
Un vaso de jugo de naranja estaría bien.
A glass of orange juice would be nice.
Ella va a tomar un vaso de jugo.
She is going to drink a glass of juice.
Él quiere al menos un vaso de jugo.
He wants at least one glass of juice.
Tengo café, jugo de naranja, leche...
I have some coffee, some orange juice, some milk...
Creo que ella derramó su jugo a propósito.
I think that she spilled her juice on purpose.
Ellos bebían jugo de naranja antes de levantarse.
They used to drink orange juice before getting up.

More Example Sentences.

¡Nada puede ser peor que el jugo de tomate!
It can't be any worse than tomato juice!
Vierto el jugo de tomate sobre mi perro y lo esparzo sobre él.
I pour the tomato juice on my dog and spread it all over him.
El chamán prescribió una bebida hecha con el jugo de la fruta.
The shaman prescribed a drink made from the juice contained in the fruit.
Una vez escuché que el jugo de tomate ayuda a contrarrestar el olor a zorrillo.
I once heard that tomato juice was an effective remedy against skunk smell.


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