How to say Ham in French?

What does Jambon mean in English? French translations and examples in context.

How to Say “Ham” in French? What is the meaning of “Jambon”?

Ham is translated in French by...

Le jambon (m)

Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

C'est un sandwich au jambon et fromage.
It's a ham and cheese sandwich.

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Je choisis le sandwich jambon et fromage.
I choose the ham and cheese sandwich.
Je regarde les ingrédients pour me rendre compte que le sandwich au jambon a aussi des oignons!
I look at the ingredients to find that the ham sandwich has onions as well!
Il se disait: Si je reste ici, d'autres chiens pourraient venir et je devrai partager mon bout de jambon.
He told himself: If I stay here, other dogs may come and I'll have to share my piece of ham.


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