How to say Floor in Spanish?

What does Piso mean in English? Spanish translations and examples in context.

How to Say “Floor” in Spanish? What is the meaning of “Piso”?

Floor is translated in Spanish by...

El piso (m)

Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

Odio lavar el piso.
I hate washing the floor.
¿Y la madera en el piso es real?
Is that real wood on the floor?
El piso se pone resbaladizo cuando está mojado.
The floor is slippery when it is wet.
Si, utilizamos madera real en el piso del pasillo.
Yes, we used real wood on the hallway floor.
Nosotros nos sentábamos en el piso porque no teníamos un sofá.
We used to sit on the floor because we didn't have a couch.
Nosotros hemos medido la habitación antes de pedir el nuevo piso.
We have measured the room before ordering the new floor.

More Example Sentences.

Subo las escaleras hasta el tercer piso.
I go up the stairs to the third floor.
Me tiro al piso e intento respirar profundamente.
I lie on the floor and I try to breathe deeply.
Mi oficina solo está en el octavo piso, así que tiendo a tomar las escaleras.
My office is only on the eight floor, so I often take the stairs.
Camino hacia mi piso, las luces comienzan a parpadear y la música se detiene.
On my way up to my floor, the lights start flashing and the music stops.


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