How to say Egg in French?

What does Oeuf mean in English? French translations and examples in context.

How to Say “Egg” in French? What is the meaning of “Oeuf”?

Egg is translated in French by...

L'oeuf (m)

Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

J'ai mangé un oeuf, puis un autre.
I ate an egg, then another one.
Nous avons trouvé des oeufs de Pâques dans le champ.
We found Easter eggs in the field.
Ça ne ressemble pas à un ballon. Ça ressemble à un oeuf.
It doesn't look like a ball. It looks like an egg.
Pourquoi on appelle ça du football, s'ils portent l'oeuf dans leurs mains.
Why do we call it football, if they bring the egg with their hands.


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