How to say Coffee in Spanish?

What does Café mean in English? Spanish translations and examples in context.

How to Say “Coffee” in Spanish? What is the meaning of “Café”?

Coffee is translated in Spanish by...

El café (m)

Example Sentences with Sound Clips.

No tengo más café.
I have no more coffee.
Yo necesitaba un buen café.
I needed a good coffee.
Me gusta el café sin crema.
I like coffee without (any) cream.
¿Quieres que te traiga un café?
Do you want me to get you some coffee?
Ustedes bebieron café esta mañana.
You drank coffee this morning.
Muy bien. ¿Desea un café o un té?
Very good. Would you like a coffee or a tea?
Tengo café, jugo de naranja, leche...
I have some coffee, some orange juice, some milk...
Si estuvieras cansado, te haría un café.
If you were tired, I would make you a coffee.
Tú te quedabas en tu cama y bebías un café.
You used to stay in your bed to drink a coffee.
Tú tomas un café enfrente de tu computadora.
You are drinking a coffee in front of your computer.

More Example Sentences.

Decido tomar un café en un pequeño restaurante local.
I decide to go for a coffee at a small local restaurant.
Me invita a tomar un café para continuar nuestra discusión.
She invites me for coffee to continue our discussion.
Tenía el pelo rubio, la piel clara y los ojos color café.
She had blonde hair, fair skin and coffee-colored eyes.


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