How to say Chick in German?

What does Küken mean in English? German translations and examples in context.

How to Say “Chick” in German? What is the meaning of “Küken”?

Chick is translated in German by...

Das Küken

Example Sentences in Context.

Clementine kam eines Morgens mit sechs Küken heraus.
Clementine came out one morning with six baby chicks.
In dem Moment begann das Küken zu schreien: Mama, Mama! Hilfe, Hilfe!
At that moment, the chick began to scream: Mom, mom! Help, help!
Sie erzählte ihr, was Jacob und Lucas mit ihrem Küken hatten machen wollen.
She told her what Jacob and Lucas wanted to do with her chick.
Sie warteten darauf, dass Clementine endlich mit ihren sechs Küken loszog.
They were waiting for Clementine to finally leave with her six chicks.
Während Clementine abgelenkt war, sprang Lucas auf das letzte Küken und nahm es in sein Maul.
While Clementine was distracted, Lucas launched himself on the last chick and took it in his mouth.
Sie fragte sie: Kann mir jemand erklären, was heute Morgen mit Clementine und ihren Küken passiert ist?
She asked them: Can someone explain what happened this morning with Clementine and her chicks?
Er gab mir ein Küken für Ostern.
He gave me a chick for Easter.
Die Küken schlüpften aus den Eiern.
The chicks hatched from the eggs.
Die Küken folgten ihrer Mutter.
The chicks were following their mom.
Die Küken folgten dem Huhn.
The chicks were following the chicken.


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